
2024-04-26 23:53:59 发布

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Design a program with a loop that lets the user enter a series of numbers. The user should enter -99 to signal the end of the series. After all the numbers have been entered, the program should display the largest and smallest numbers entered.

The user can enter any number of input value: negative, 0, or positive. No arrays can be used. Also 2 modules have to be used to display a welcome message with a program description and display the largest and smallest numbers


def main():

    #call the welcome module

    #declare the local variables
    smallest = int()
    largest = int()

    #prompt user for the first number
    inputNum = int(input('Enter the first number (0 indicates end of input): '))

    #initialize largest and smallest to user input
    smallest = inputNum
    largest = inputNum

    #loop while sentinel has not been entered

    while inputNum != -99:

        #compare number input with largest and smallest
        if inputNum < smallest:
            smallest = inputNum
        elif inputNum > largest:
            largest = inputNum

        #prompt user for another number
        inputNum = int(input('Enter another number (0 indicates end of input): '))

         #call module to display the numbers
        displayLargestSmallest(largest, smallest)

def displayWelcome():

    #display welcome message and program descr
    print('This program displays the largest and')
    print('smallest values of all input integers.')
    print('-99 indicates end of input')

def displayLargestSmallest(largestInput, smallestInput):

    #module to display numbers input
    print('The largest number input is ',largestInput)
    print('The smallest number input is ', smallestInput)

Tags: andofthetonumberinputdisplayprogram
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-26 23:53:59


  • 您没有最大或最小限制,因此应该在开始时使用None
  • 使用while True:break,这样就不必写input()两次


def main():

    smallest = None
    largest = None

    while True:
        #prompt user
        inputNum = int(input('Enter number (-99 indicates end of input): '))
        if inputNum == -99:
            # exit loop

        #compare number input with largest and smallest
        if smallest is None or inputNum < smallest:
            smallest = inputNum
        if largest is None or inputNum > largest:
            largest = inputNum

        displayLargestSmallest(largest, smallest)

    # display again at the end
    displayLargestSmallest(largest, smallest)

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