
2024-04-28 07:00:16 发布

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Tags: 文件代码nameidjson员工yearcountry




  1. 将您的部门PCollection转换为映射 dept_id到department JSON字典

  2. 那你就去坐火车 员工PCollection作为主要输入,您可以在其中使用部门id 获取departments PCollection中每个部门的JSON


departments = (p | LoadDepts()
                 | 'key_dept' >> beam.Map(lambda dept: (dept['dept_id'], dept)))

deps_si = beam.pvalue.AsDict(departments)

employees = (p | LoadEmps())

def join_emp_dept(employee, dept_dict):
  return employee.update(dept_dict[employee['dept_id']])

joined_dicts = employees | beam.Map(join_dicts, dept_dict=deps_si)


departments = (p | LoadDepts()
               | 'key_dept' >> beam.Map(lambda dept: (dept['dept_id'], dept)))

employees = (p | LoadEmps()
               | 'key_emp' >> beam.Map(lambda emp: (emp['dept_id'], emp)))

def join_lists((k, v)):
  itertools.product(v['employees'], v['departments'])

joined_dicts = (
    {'employees': employees, 'departments': departments} 
    | beam.CoGroupByKey()    
    | beam.FlatMap(join_lists)
    | 'mergedicts' >> beam.Map(lambda (emp_dict, dept_dict): emp_dict.update(dept_dict))
    | 'filterfields'>> beam.Map(filter_fields)


// First we want to load all departments, and put them into a PCollection
// of key-value pairs, where the Key is their identifier. We assume that it is String-type.
PCollection<KV<String, Department>> departments = 
    p.apply(new LoadDepts())
     .apply("getKey", MapElements.via((Department dept) -> KV.of(dept.getId(), dept)));

// We then convert this PCollection into a map-type PCollectionView.
// We can access this map directly within a ParDo.
PCollectionView<Map<String, Department>> departmentSideInput = 
    departments.apply("ToMapSideInput", View.<String, Department>asMap());

// We load the PCollection of employees
PCollection<Employee> employees = p.apply(new LoadEmployees());

// Let us suppose that we will *extend* an employee information with their
// Department information. I have assumed the existence of an ExtendedEmployee
// class to represent an employee extended with department information.
class JoinDeptEmployeeDoFn extends DoFn<Employee, ExtendedEmployee> {

  public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
    // We obtain the Map-type side input with department information.
    Map<String, Department> departmentMap = c.sideInput(departmentSideInput);
    Employee empl = c.element();
    Department dept = departmentMap.get(empl.getDepartmentId(), null);
    if (department == null) return;

    ExtendedEmployee result = empl.extendWith(dept);


// We apply the ParDo to extend the employee with department information
// and specify that it takes in a departmentSideInput.
PCollection<ExtendedEmployee> extendedEmployees = 
        ParDo.of(new JoinDeptEmployeeDoFn()).withSideInput(departmentSideInput));


// We load the departments, and make them a key-value collection, to Join them
// later with employees.
PCollection<KV<String, Department>> departments = 
    p.apply(new LoadDepts())
     .apply("getKey", MapElements.via((Department dept) -> KV.of(dept.getId(), dept)));

// Because we will perform a join, employees also need to be put into
// key-value pairs, where their key is their *department id*.
PCollection<KV<String, Employee>> employees = 
    p.apply(new LoadEmployees())
     .apply("getKey", MapElements.via((Employee empl) -> KV.of(empl.getDepartmentId(), empl)));

// We define a DoFn that is able to join a single department with multiple
// employees.
class JoinEmployeesWithDepartments extends DoFn<KV<String, CoGbkResult>, ExtendedEmployee> {
  public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
    KV<...> elm = c.element();
    // We assume one department with the same ID, and assume that
    // employees always have a department available.
    Department dept = elm.getValue().getOnly(departmentsTag);
    Iterable<Employee> employees = elm.getValue().getAll(employeesTag);

    for (Employee empl : employees) {
      ExtendedEmployee result = empl.extendWith(dept);

// The syntax for a CoGroupByKey operation is a bit verbose.
// In this step we define a TupleTag, which serves as identifier for a
// PCollection.
final TupleTag<String> employeesTag = new TupleTag<>();
final TupleTag<String> departmentsTag = new TupleTag<>();

// We use the PCollection tuple-tags to join the two PCollections.
PCollection<KV<String, CoGbkResult>> results =
    KeyedPCollectionTuple.of(departmentsTag, departments)
        .and(employeesTag, employees)

// Finally, we convert the joined PCollections into a kind that
// we can use: ExtendedEmployee.
PCollection<ExtendedEmployee> extendedEmployees =
    results.apply("ExtendInformation", ParDo.of(new JoinEmployeesWithDepartments()));

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