
2024-06-17 11:03:32 发布

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class Trip(object):
    'a class that abstracts a trip to a destination'

    def __init__(self, destination='Nowhere', items=[] ):
        'Initialize the Trip class'
        self.destination = destination
        self.items = items

class DayTrip(Trip):
    'a class that abstracts a trip to a destination on a specific day'

    def __init__(self, destination='Nowhere', items=[] , day='1/1/2019' ):
        'Initialize the Trip class'
        self.destination = destination
        self.items = items
        self.day = day

class ExtendedTrip(Trip):
    'a class that abstracts a trip to a destination on between two dates'

    def __init__(self, destination='Nowhere', items=[] , day='1/1/2019' , 
endDay = '12/31/2019' ):
        'Initialize the ExtendedTrip class'
        self.destination = destination
        self.items = items
        self.day = day
        self.endDay = endDay

def luggage(lst):



trip1 = Trip('Basement', ['coat','pants','teddy bear'])

trip2 = DayTrip('Springfield',['floss', 'coat','belt'], '2/1/2018')

trip3 = ExtendedTrip('Mars',['shampoo', 'coat','belt'], '4/1/2058')

trip4 = ExtendedTrip()


{'pants', 'belt', 'toothbrush', 'floss', 'shampoo', 'teddy bear', 'coat'}

Tags: toselfthatinitdefitemsdestinationclass