
2024-04-25 23:19:11 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

因此,我试图找到不同的网站,一个排列的信件。这是用于地理缓存的。例如,我需要做一个这样的链接:http://geocaching.com/geocache/GCZ1189 所以我想在我的浏览器中打开120种不同的排列。唯一的区别是“Z1189”,链接的其余部分将保持不变:)


# Python function to print permutations of a given list 
def permutation(lst): 

    # If lst is empty then there are no permutations 
    if len(lst) == 0: 
        return [] 

    # If there is only one element in lst then, only 
    # one permuatation is possible 
    if len(lst) == 1: 
        return [lst] 

    # Find the permutations for lst if there are 
    # more than 1 characters 

    l = [] # empty list that will store current permutation 

    # Iterate the input(lst) and calculate the permutation 
    for i in range(len(lst)): 
       m = lst[i] 

       # Extract lst[i] or m from the list.  remLst is 
       # remaining list 
       remLst = lst[:i] + lst[i+1:] 

       # Generating all permutations where m is first 
       # element 
       for p in permutation(remLst): 
           l.append([m] + p) 
    return l 

data = list('Z1189') 
for p in permutation(data): 
    print (p)

#I've made this below. Not working as I wanting it to though
for p in permutation(data):
    o = list(p)
    o = ''.join(o)


Tags: theinfordatalenifis链接