
2024-06-12 03:04:02 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

下面的疑问是related to this question,但有点不同。答案我不清楚


In [1]: x=[]
In [2]: x.append(2)
In [3]: x
Out[3]: [2]
In [4]: x=[] # able to start working on x again
In [5]: x
Out[5]: []

In [6]: def modify(x):
   ...:     x.append(2)
   ...:     print x
   ...:     x=[]   # does not throw errors

In [7]: x=[]
In [8]: x.append(2)

In [9]: x.append(2)
In [10]: x    # x is now a list
Out[10]: [2, 2]

In [11]: modify(x)    # len(s) proportional to the number of times modify is called
[2, 2, 2]

In [12]: x
Out[12]: [2, 2, 2]


  In [30]: def modify(x):
      ...:     print __name__
      ...:     x.append(2)
      ...:     print x
      ...:     x=[]
      ...:     x=[1, 5, 7]


  In [36]: print __name__

  In [37]: x=[]

  In [38]: modify(x)
  # why is the name __main__ inside modify?
  In [39]: modify(x)
  [2, 2]

Tags: theto函数namein列表ismain