
2024-06-08 22:08:34 发布

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下面是一个示例pyspark代码片段,我试图在其中检查(作为健全性检查)在“filter”转换之后处理了多少个订单。 因此,我试图定义一个累加器,并将其用作计数器,以获取“处理的订单数”

    orders=inputpath + "/orders" # Accepting and creating  the "full input path" for input file
    counter=sc.accumulator(0) #defining accumulator

    def OrderTuples(order): #defining a function to incorporate "counter increment" for every records filtered out from filter transformation to the map transformation
        return (int(order.split(",")[0]),1)

     ordersFiltered = sc.textFile(orders). \
        filter(lambda order : month in order.split(",")[1]). \
        map(lambda order : OrderTuples(order)) # Calling the  function here
    print(f"NO OF ORDERS PROCESSED:{counter}") # printing the accumulator final value here

但作为最终输出,我仍然得到零值。我错在哪里。我是第一次用蓄能器。 默认情况下sc.textFile(orders)有2个分区,我使用--num executors 2(13节点集群) 感谢您的帮助:)

Tags: thetomapforinputcounterorderfunction