
2024-04-28 03:34:59 发布

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在终端上使用命令py.test ./Combinatory_testing.py -v,以便能够在py.test中运行它 当我运行它时,由于函数“is\u valid\u composition”,它给了我失败的测试,但问题是我希望断言总是通过,而只是跳过is\u valid\u composition案例,而不是将其添加到测试中


#importing libraries
from allpairspy import AllPairs
import pytest

#parameters are mainly:
#Computer names
# OS
# Network to be connected to these PC's
# Contract type for the employers

parameters = [
    ["HP", "DELL"],
    ["98", "NT", "2000", "XP"],
    ["Internal", "Modem"],
    ["Salaried", "Hourly", "Part-Time", "Contr."],

#Uncomment below to print all the possible Combinations with less numbers for sure using the function AllPairs

# print("PAIRS:")
# for i, pairs in enumerate(AllPairs(parameters)):
#    print(i,pairs)

def is_valid_combination(brand, operating_system, network, contract):
    This is a filtering function. Filtering functions should return True
    if combination is valid and False otherwise.

    # Brand DELL does not support Windows 98
    if "98" == operating_system and "DELL" == brand:
        return False

    # HP does not work with XP
    if "XP" == operating_system and "HP" == brand:
        return False

    # Contractors can't work on "Internal" network.
    if "Contr." == contract and network == "Internal":
        return False

    return True

#Uncomment below to print all the possible Combinations with less numbers for sure using the function AllPairs After Filtering the
#impossible combinations

# for i, pairs in enumerate(AllPairs(parameters, filter_func=is_valid_combination)):
#     print("{:2d}: {}".format(i, pairs))

def function_to_be_tested(brand, operating_system, Network, Contract):
    return True

class TestParameterized(object):
    @pytest.mark.parametrize(["brand", "operating_system", "network", "contract"], [
        value_list for value_list in AllPairs([
            ["HP", "DELL"],
            ["98", "NT", "2000", "XP"],
            ["Internal", "Modem"],
            ["Salaried", "Hourly", "Part-Time", "Contr."],

    def test_assert(self,brand,operating_system,network,contract):
        assert is_valid_combination(brand,operating_system,network,contract)

Tags: thetoforreturnisoperatingnetworksystem
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-28 03:34:59


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