
2024-04-29 03:05:09 发布

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submission #,scores
882,"Overall evaluation: 1
Invite to interview: 1
Strength or novelty of the idea (1): 4
Strength or novelty of the idea (2): 4
Strength or novelty of the idea (3): 3
Use or provision of open data (1): 3
Use or provision of open data (2): 3
""Open by default"" (1): 4
""Open by default"" (2): 4
Value proposition and potential scale (1): 2
Value proposition and potential scale (2): 1
Market opportunity and timing (1): 3
Market opportunity and timing (2): 1
Triple bottom line impact (1): 2
Triple bottom line impact (2): 2
Triple bottom line impact (3): 4
Knowledge and skills of the team (1): 1
Knowledge and skills of the team (2): 2
Capacity to realise the idea (1): 1
Capacity to realise the idea (2): 3
Capacity to realise the idea (3): 1
Appropriateness of the budget to realise the idea: 3"
882,"Overall evaluation: 2
Invite to interview: 3
Strength or novelty of the idea (1): 4
Strength or novelty of the idea (2): 1
Strength or novelty of the idea (3): 4
Use or provision of open data (1): 4
Use or provision of open data (2): 3
""Open by default"" (1): 3
""Open by default"" (2): 4
Value proposition and potential scale (1): 4
Value proposition and potential scale (2): 4
Market opportunity and timing (1): 4
Market opportunity and timing (2): 4
Triple bottom line impact (1): 4
Triple bottom line impact (2): 1
Triple bottom line impact (3): 3
Knowledge and skills of the team (1): 3
Knowledge and skills of the team (2): 2
Capacity to realise the idea (1): 2
Capacity to realise the idea (2): 3
Capacity to realise the idea (3): 3
Appropriateness of the budget to realise the idea: 3"
883,"Overall evaluation: 1
Invite to interview: 1
Strength or novelty of the idea (1): 4
Strength or novelty of the idea (2): 3
Strength or novelty of the idea (3): 4
Use or provision of open data (1): 2
Use or provision of open data (2): 3
""Open by default"" (1): 3
""Open by default"" (2): 3
Value proposition and potential scale (1): 2
Value proposition and potential scale (2): 1
Market opportunity and timing (1): 3
Market opportunity and timing (2): 1
Triple bottom line impact (1): 1
Triple bottom line impact (2): 4
Triple bottom line impact (3): 2
Knowledge and skills of the team (1): 3
Knowledge and skills of the team (2): 3
Capacity to realise the idea (1): 1
Capacity to realise the idea (2): 3
Capacity to realise the idea (3): 4
Appropriateness of the budget to realise the idea: 3"
883,"Overall evaluation: 1
Invite to interview: 1
Strength or novelty of the idea (1): 2
Strength or novelty of the idea (2): 2
Strength or novelty of the idea (3): 1
Use or provision of open data (1): 2
Use or provision of open data (2): 1
""Open by default"" (1): 3
""Open by default"" (2): 2
Value proposition and potential scale (1): 2
Value proposition and potential scale (2): 2
Market opportunity and timing (1): 2
Market opportunity and timing (2): 2
Triple bottom line impact (1): 1
Triple bottom line impact (2): 2
Triple bottom line impact (3): 2
Knowledge and skills of the team (1): 4
Knowledge and skills of the team (2): 2
Capacity to realise the idea (1): 2
Capacity to realise the idea (2): 2
Capacity to realise the idea (3): 3
Appropriateness of the budget to realise the idea: 3"
885,"Overall evaluation: 2
Invite to interview: 1
Strength or novelty of the idea (1): 2
Strength or novelty of the idea (2): 2
Strength or novelty of the idea (3): 2
Use or provision of open data (1): 2
Use or provision of open data (2): 2
""Open by default"" (1): 2
""Open by default"" (2): 2
Value proposition and potential scale (1): 1
Value proposition and potential scale (2): 2
Market opportunity and timing (1): 2
Market opportunity and timing (2): 1
Triple bottom line impact (1): 2
Triple bottom line impact (2): 1
Triple bottom line impact (3): 1
Knowledge and skills of the team (1): 4
Knowledge and skills of the team (2): 2
Capacity to realise the idea (1): 1
Capacity to realise the idea (2): 3
Capacity to realise the idea (3): 2
Appropriateness of the budget to realise the idea: 3"


map = {}
for l in lines:
    data = l.split('"Overall evaluation:')
    if len(data) == 2:
        if data[0] not in map.keys():
            map[data[0]] = (0,0)
        map[data[0]] = (map[data[0]][0]+int(data[1]) , map[data[0]][1]+1)
for x, y in map.items():
    print(str(x) + ", " + str(y[0]/y[1]))

我认为现在的情况是,它取两个Overall evaluation:数字的平均值,然后在提交数字旁边输出,对吗

Tags: orandofthetodatalinestrength
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-29 03:05:09



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