
2024-04-25 00:01:51 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

我正在尝试从网站创建可导入的日历事件。 该网站将事件聚集到一个标准的html表中


quote_page = "http://www.ellen-hartmann.de/babybasare.html"

page = urllib2.urlopen(quote_page)

soup = BeautifulSoup(page, "html.parser")

table = soup.find("table", {"border": "1"})

td = table.find("td", text="Veranstaltungstyp ")

print table

td_next = table.find_next("tr")

print td_next

Tags: 方法标准网站htmlpagetable事件条目
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-25 00:01:51


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

response = requests.get("http://www.ellen-hartmann.de/babybasare.html")

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

# now let's find every row in every table
for row in soup.find_all("tr"):

    # grab the cells within the row
    cells = row.find_all("td")

    # print the value of the cells as a list.  This is the point where
    # you will need to filter the rows to figure out what is an event (and
    # what is not), determine the start date and time, and convert the values 
    # to iCal format.
    print([c.text for c in cells])

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