
2024-04-25 12:44:50 发布

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    def _next_price_unit(self, load, prices, money=0, depth=0):
"""Recursive dynamic programming step
            Tree load has a depth index where the max depth is the length of the
            prices array while load index is the level of current stocks.The
            tree load will return the best revenue at that depth and stock load."""

        if len(prices) is depth:  # Max depth, stop condition
        if self.tree_load[depth][load] < money:  # No change in load
            self.tree_load[depth][load] = money
            self._next_price_unit(load, prices, money, depth + 1)

         #Check load in stock boundaries and money increases at -1 or +1 load
        if load - 1 >= self.stock_min\
                and money + prices[depth] > self.tree_load[depth][load - 1]:
            self.tree_load[depth][load - 1] = money + prices[depth]  # Sell
            self._next_price_unit(load - 1, prices, money + prices[depth],
                                  depth + 1)

        if load+1 <= self.stock_max\
                and money - prices[depth] > self.tree_load[depth][load+1]:
            self.tree_load[depth][load + 1] = money - prices[depth]  # Buy
            self._next_price_unit(load + 1, prices, money - prices[depth],
                                  depth + 1)

如果没有最小和最大库存的约束,我知道三元树的复杂度是O(3^n),如果我使用动态规划比较每个深度层次的值,然后继续,我知道这个问题可以用O(k*n)来解决。 这个算法会一直到深度端,然后向后,向前,向后等等。你知道吗


Tags: andtheself算法treeifisstock