Python错误'imput最多期望1个参数,got 3'是什么意思?

2024-05-20 23:11:06 发布

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choice1 = input('''Oh, you. You are finally awake. You have been out cold for the last 10 hours! I am''' ,giant, ''', and I will be your guide in defeating the dark lord Thaldmemau. Well, shall we get to it?
A: Where am I?
B: Ok, we will go!
C: Who are you again?''').lower()

if choice1 == 'a':
     print('You are in a recovery room in the Realm of Power, one of the seven universes of Epta. ')
elif choice1 == 'b':
     print('Ok, let me just give you a brief overview of what we will do and how to fight enemies!')
elif choice1 == 'c':
     print('I am' ,giant, '! I am a giant (but do not worry, I am a friendly giant). I do have some very good abilities, most of which are centred around the magic type of' ,magic, '!')

Tags: andoftheinyouhaveamdo


name = "Tom"
user_input = input("My name is", name, "- what's yours?")


TypeError: input expected at most 1 arguments, got 3


name = "Tom"
print("My name is", name, "- what's yours?")


My name is Tom - what's yours?

我猜这就是混乱的根源。print接受任意多的参数-我给它三个单独的字符串-首先是"My name is",然后是变量name(也是一个字符串),最后是第三个字符串"- what's yours?"。你知道吗



name = "Tom"
user_input = input(f"My name is {name} - what's yours?")



choice1 = input(f'''Oh, you. You are finally awake. You have been out cold for the last 10 hours! I am {giant}, and I will be your guide in defeating the dark lord Thaldmemau. Well, shall we get to it?
A: Where am I?
B: Ok, we will go!
C: Who are you again?''').lower()


choice1 = input('''Oh, you. .... I am''', giant, ''', and ''').lower()


input('Oh, you. You are finally awake. You have been out cold '
      'for the last 10 hours! I am ' + giant + ', and I will be '
      'your guide in defeating the dark lord Thaldmemau.'
      '''Well, shall we get to it?
A: Where am I?
B: Ok, we will go!
C: Who are you again?)'''


input('''Oh, you. You are finally awake. You have been out cold 
for the last 10 hours! I am {giant}, and I will be your guide in
defeating the dark lord Thaldmemau.  Well, shall we get to it?
A: Where am I?
B: Ok, we will go!
C: Who are you again?)'''.format(giant=giant))

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