
2024-04-19 17:46:58 发布

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def main():
    data = getnumbers()
    top, bottom = calculate(data)
    pos1, pos2 = position(data, top, bottom)

    print("The numbers are,", data)
    print("The largest and lowest numbers are,", top, "and", bottom)
    print("The position of the largest number is,", pos1, "and the position of the smallest number is,", pos2, ".")

def getnumbers():
    nums = []
    xStr = input("Enter a number (<Enter> to quit) >> ")
    while xStr != "":
        x = eval(xStr)
        xStr = input("Enter a number (<Enter> to quit) >> ")
    return nums

def calculate(nums):
    top = max(nums)
    bottom = min(nums)
    return top, bottom

def position(nums, top, bottom):
    pos1 = nums.index(top)
    pos2 = nums.index(bottom)


Tags: andthenumberdatatopdefpositionprint