
2024-06-08 14:44:23 发布

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def party():
print "You are at a friend's house, and there you find three men who disrespect you.\
\nDo you fight them, insult back, or do you invite them for a drink?"
party_answer = raw_input()
while (party_answer != "fight") and (party_answer != "insult") and (party_answer != "drink"):
    print "Type either 'fight', 'insult', or 'drink'"
    party_answer = raw_input()  

if party_answer == "fight":
elif party_answer == "insult":
elif party_answer == "drink":

def fight():
    print """You decide to fight the men.
After a while, the men start pleading for mercy.
Do you hit them more?"""
fight_answer = raw_input()
while (fight_answer != "yes") and (fight_answer != "no"):
    print "Type either 'yes' or 'no'"
    fight_answer = raw_input()

if fight_answer == "yes":
    print """Your friend sees you fighting and asks you why
Do you blame them, or do you take responsibility and apologize?"""
    fight_answer_y = raw_input()
    while (fight_answer_y != "blame them") and (fight_answer_y != "apologize"):
        print "Type either 'blame them' or 'apologize'"
        fight_answer_y = raw_input()

    if fight_answer_y == "blame them":
        print """Your friend is angry at you fighting at all, and does not believe \
that they started the fight. He kicks you out of the party."""
    elif fight_answer_y == "apologize":
        print "Your friend forgives you, and asks you to drink with him."

elif fight_answer == "no":
    print """The men take advantage of you forgiveness and start hitting you.
Fortunately, your friend arrives at this moment. He see them hitting you, \
and then kicks them out of the party."""

def insult():
print """You insult them, and they challenge you to a fight.
Do you fight them or tell your friend?"""
insult_answer = raw_input()
while (insult_answer != "fight") and (insult_answer != "tell friend"):
    print "Type either 'fight' or 'tell friend'"
    insult_answer = raw_input()

if insult_answer == "fight":
elif insult_answer == "tell friend":
    print """You decide to tell your friend.
He says he is happy you told him, and invites you for a drink
The men get kicked out"""

def drink():
print """You tell them that you will buy drinks for them,\
and they rudely ask you why you are doing this.
Do you insult them or give them a polite response?"""
drink_answer = raw_input()
while (drink_answer != "insult") and (drink_answer != "polite response"):
    print "Type either 'insult' or 'polite response'"
    drink_answer = raw_input()

if drink_answer == "insult":
elif drink_answer == "polite response":
    print "You politely respond to them, and they sit down with you and apologize."

def exit(x):
if x == 1:
    print "You lost. Better luck next time!"
    again = raw_input("Do you want to try again?: ")
    while (again != "yes") and (again != "no"):
        print "Type either 'yes' or 'no'"
        again = raw_input("Do you want to try again?: ")

    if again == "yes":
    elif again == "no":

elif x == 2:
    print "You won. Good job!"
    again = raw_input("Do you want to try again?: ")
    while (again != "yes") and (again != "no"):
        print "Type either 'yes' or 'no'"
        again = raw_input("Do you want to try again?: ")

    if again == "yes":
    elif again == "no":


我好像在变量“fight\u answer\y”上出错了 下面是我得到的错误:

  File "mygame1.py", line 38, in fight
    elif fight_answer_y == "apologize":
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'fight_answer_y' referenced before assignment

有谁能帮我解释一下,因为我是Python新手。 提前谢谢

Tags: orandanswerfriendyouinputrawparty


说明:在your paste中,问题是elif和相关的块缩进太浅,连接到外部的if,而不是应该连接到的内部的if。问题是因为你混合了空格和制表符,if fight_answer_y == "blame them":用两个制表符缩进,而elif fight_answer_y == "apologize":用八个空格缩进。您可能使用的编辑器将选项卡显示为四个空格(堆栈溢出也会这样做),因此它们以相同的对齐方式出现,但Python 2始终将选项卡视为等效于八个空格,因此代码如下所示:

if fight_answer == "yes":
    print """Your friend sees you fighting and asks you why
Do you blame them, or do you take responsibility and apologize?"""
    fight_answer_y = raw_input()
    while (fight_answer_y != "blame them") and (fight_answer_y != "apologize"):
        print "Type either 'blame them' or 'apologize'"
        fight_answer_y = raw_input()

    if fight_answer_y == "blame them":
        print """Your friend is angry at you fighting at all, and does not believe \
that they started the fight. He kicks you out of the party."""
    elif fight_answer_y == "apologize": # <  ***LOOKS LIKE ATTACHED TO if fight_answer_y == "blame them":***
        print "Your friend forgives you, and asks you to drink with him."

elif fight_answer == "no":
    print """The men take advantage of you forgiveness and start hitting you.


if fight_answer == "yes":
    print """Your friend sees you fighting and asks you why
Do you blame them, or do you take responsibility and apologize?"""
    fight_answer_y = raw_input()
    while (fight_answer_y != "blame them") and (fight_answer_y != "apologize"):
        print "Type either 'blame them' or 'apologize'"
        fight_answer_y = raw_input()

    if fight_answer_y == "blame them":
        print """Your friend is angry at you fighting at all, and does not believe \
that they started the fight. He kicks you out of the party."""
elif fight_answer_y == "apologize": # <  ***ACTUALLY ATTACHED TO if fight_answer == "yes":***
    print "Your friend forgives you, and asks you to drink with him."

elif fight_answer == "no":
    print """The men take advantage of you forgiveness and start hitting you.

感谢Python将相同的制表符视为8个空格缩进。不幸的是,缩进看起来是有效的(像这样的大多数其他失败意味着语法错误,或者导致代码从方法定义中退出,所以失败是显而易见的)。在这种情况下,这意味着当fight_answer不是"yes"时,您尝试测试fight_answer_y == "apologize",除了fight_answer_y仅在fight_answer == "yes"情况下定义,这意味着fight_answer_y未定义。你知道吗

如果将编辑器配置为遵循PEP8(将制表符扩展到空格,使用四个空格缩进),对齐问题将是显而易见的。如果您是在python3上运行的,那么它就不能容忍不一致地使用制表符和空格,并且您的代码会报告TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation的问题。但实际上,您的代码看起来是正确的,但运行错误。同样:总是对空格使用PEP8规则来避免这样的问题。每个编辑器(除了记事本之外)都可以配置为将制表符扩展到具有四个空格缩进的空格;做到这一点。你知道吗


def party():
    print "You are at a friend's house, and there you find three men who disrespect you.\
    \nDo you fight them, insult back, or do you invite them for a drink?"
    party_answer = raw_input()
    while (party_answer != "fight") and (party_answer != "insult") and (party_answer != "drink"):
        print "Type either 'fight', 'insult', or 'drink'"
        party_answer = raw_input()
    if party_answer == "fight":
    elif party_answer == "insult":
    elif party_answer == "drink":

def fight():
    print """You decide to fight the men.
After a while, the men start pleading for mercy.
Do you hit them more?"""
    fight_answer = raw_input()
    while (fight_answer != "yes") and (fight_answer != "no"):
        print "Type either 'yes' or 'no'"
        fight_answer = raw_input()

    if fight_answer == "yes":
        print """Your friend sees you fighting and asks you why
Do you blame them, or do you take responsibility and apologize?"""
        fight_answer_y = raw_input()
        while (fight_answer_y != "blame them") and (fight_answer_y != "apologize"):
            print "Type either 'blame them' or 'apologize'"
            fight_answer_y = raw_input()

        if fight_answer_y == "blame them":
            print """Your friend is angry at you fighting at all, and does not believe \
that they started the fight. He kicks you out of the party."""
        elif fight_answer_y == "apologize":
            print "Your friend forgives you, and asks you to drink with him."

    elif fight_answer == "no":
        print """The men take advantage of you forgiveness and start hitting you.
Fortunately, your friend arrives at this moment. He see them hitting you, \
and then kicks them out of the party."""

def insult():
    print """You insult them, and they challenge you to a fight.
    Do you fight them or tell your friend?"""
    insult_answer = raw_input()
    while (insult_answer != "fight") and (insult_answer != "tell friend"):
        print "Type either 'fight' or 'tell friend'"
        insult_answer = raw_input()

    if insult_answer == "fight":
    elif insult_answer == "tell friend":
        print """You decide to tell your friend.
He says he is happy you told him, and invites you for a drink
The men get kicked out"""

def drink():
    print """You tell them that you will buy drinks for them,\
and they rudely ask you why you are doing this.
Do you insult them or give them a polite response?"""
    drink_answer = raw_input()
    while (drink_answer != "insult") and (drink_answer != "polite response"):
        print "Type either 'insult' or 'polite response'"
        drink_answer = raw_input()

    if drink_answer == "insult":
    elif drink_answer == "polite response":
        print "You politely respond to them, and they sit down with you and apologize."

def exit(x):
    if x == 1:
        print "You lost. Better luck next time!"
        again = raw_input("Do you want to try again?: ")
        while (again != "yes") and (again != "no"):
            print "Type either 'yes' or 'no'"
            again = raw_input("Do you want to try again?: ")

        if again == "yes":
        elif again == "no":

    elif x == 2:
        print "You won. Good job!"
        again = raw_input("Do you want to try again?: ")
        while (again != "yes") and (again != "no"):
            print "Type either 'yes' or 'no'"
            again = raw_input("Do you want to try again?: ")

        if again == "yes":
        elif again == "no":


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