Keep receiving:TypeError:python中不支持*:“NoneType”和“int”的操作数类型

2024-05-16 01:59:13 发布

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def printMenu():
    print("Choose your type of chook food: ")
    print("A. Display Chook Food Types")
    print("B. Calculate total cost of the selected chook food")
    print("C. Exit the program")
    word = input("Enter A, B, C or D to proceed: ")
    if word == "A":
        print ("Choose the type of chook food: ")
        print ("A. 10kg Pellets")
        print ("B. 50kg Pellets")
        print ("C. 10kg Mash")
        print ("D. 50kg Mash")
        print ("E. 10kg Enhanced")
        print ("F. 50kg Enhanced")
        print ("G. Return to menu")
        food = input("Enter A, B, C, D, E or F, G: ")

        if food == "A":
            foodType() == smallPellets
            print ("You have chosen 10kg Pellets")
            return printMenu()

        elif food == "B":
            foodType() == largePellets
            print ("You have chosen 50kg Pellets")
            return printMenu()

        elif food == "C":
            foodType() == smallMash
            print ("You have chosen 10kg Mash")
            return printMenu()

        elif food == "D":
            foodType() == largeMash
            print ("You have chosen 50kg Mash")
            return printMenu()

        elif food == "E":
            foodType() == smallEnhanced
            print ("You have chosen 10kg Enhanced")
            return printMenu()
        elif food == "F":
            foodType() == largeEnhanced
            print ("You have chosen 50kg Enhanced")
            return printMenu()

        elif food == "G":
            return printMenu()

    elif word == "B":
        num1 = eval(input("Enter the amount you want to purchase: "))
        foodType() * num1 == totalCost

    elif word == "C":
        print ("You have entered the wrong key, try A, B, C or D")
        print ("")
    return printMenu()


Tags: oftheyoureturnfoodhaveenhancedword
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-16 01:59:13



order = [] # create this list in the beginning of the function
# here come all your prints
if word == 'A':
    order.append("some type of food")
elif word == 'B':
    order.append("some type of food")
else: # try to always include an else-statement for catching errors
    print("Food unknown")
# then, for price evaluation
totalPrice = 0
for i in range(len(order)):
    amount = int(input("How much", order[i], "do you want to buy?"))
    totalPrice += price(order[i]) * amount
    # price() is a function that returns the price of the given food type

这不是完整的代码,更像是一个大纲,你得自己把它拼凑起来。您的错误可能是由totalCost = foodType() * num1引起的,因为如前所述,foodType()是一个函数,尽管它不应该是。你知道吗


>>> foodType = "pellets"
>>> num1 = 3
>>> print(foodType * num1)
>>> 'pelletspelletspellets'



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