
2024-04-26 00:02:27 发布

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现在我有一个表数据,有50000行(例如表示不同的用户)和两列:一个是类“a”到“E”的标签,另一个是小数点为0.0到14000000.00的分数。 我的任务是根据第二列的分数,给用户添加一个新标签,从“a”到“E”。你知道吗


类“A”-“E”被认为是有序的,因此我首先为每个用户的更改分配“loss”:比如A->;B是loss=1.0,A->;C是loss=2.0,等等,然后在Python上尝试了一些scipy minimize函数来最小化整个用户的总损失,为A<;>;B,B<;>;C,C<;>;D,D<;>;E、 但效果不好(从我给出的初始点开始就没有改变),这并不奇怪,因为损失函数是一个阶跃函数,几乎所有地方的梯度都为零。你知道吗


b = (0,max(df['score']))
bounds = (b,b,b,b)

constraints = [
    {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x[1] - x[0]},
    {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x[2] - x[1]},
    {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x[3] - x[2]},

sol = minimize(obj3, thres_init, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints) 





Tags: lambda函数用户ltgttype标签分数
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-26 00:02:27



例如:Y = [1,2,5,...,14*1e6]


例如:X = [0,5,2,3,...1]

假设我们想要在c_ii = 0 to 3c_j > c_i if j > i位置进行4切割

给定的c_i组合的成本是sum_i( |X[0:c_i] - i| )


#the cost of a class starting from start to end
def cost(start, end, label):
    return sum(abs(X[old: end] - label]))

# old is the starting index
# n is the number of cuts we still have to place
def rec(old, n):
    if n == 0:
        # we can't place more cuts, so it is our final class
        # the cost is the diff for that class "move"
        return cost(old, len(X), n)

    min_cost = Infinity
    # we check every position possible for our next cut
    # note that I am very likely not to be idx accurate
    for c_i in range(old, len(X)):
        rec_cost = rec(c_i+1, n-1)
        current_class_cost = cost(old, c_i+1, n)
        total_cost = rec_cost + current_class_cost

        # we update the min_cost on a better found solution
        # we can trivially backtrack the all the c_i's position as well
        min_cost = min(min_cost, total_cost)

    return total_cost


take the first cut as label_0
for all positions
    generate the associated cost of that cut for that position. 
    (you could reuse the cost of the previous calculated position, but it is not the point)

take the next cut (as label_1), for all generated (previous) positions as p, 
    for all positions as new_position > p
        put the new_position's cost as min(new_position's cost, p + cost from p to that new_position)

do so until first cut is placed
At that stage, you must for every position add the remaining class cost

空间复杂度:O(n\u分数) 时间复杂度:O(n\u削减*n\u得分*n\u得分)


X=[0,0,1,1,0,1 ,1, 2, 2, 2 ,1]
Y=[1,2,5,7,8,10,11,11,11,11,12] #just useless

def cost(left, right, label):
    s = 0
    for i in range(left, right+1):
        s += abs(X[i]-label)
    return s

def dp():
    n_scores = len(X)
    positions = [0]*n_scores
    for pos in range(n_scores):
        positions[pos] = {'cost':cost(0, pos, 0), 'cuts':[pos]}

    for label_cut in range(1, max(X)):

        next_positions = [{ 'cost':1e5, 'cuts':[]} for i in range(n_scores)]

        for pos in range(n_scores):
            p = positions[pos]
            for cut in range(pos+1, n_scores-1):
                c = cost(pos+1, cut, label_cut)
                total_cost = c + p['cost']
                next_p = next_positions[cut]
                if total_cost < next_p['cost']:
                    next_positions[cut] = {'cost': total_cost, 'cuts': p['cuts'] + [cut] }
        positions = next_positions

    #print the position for which the cost is minimal
    best = {'cost':1e5}
    for pos in range(n_scores):
        p = positions[pos]
        total_cost = p['cost'] + cost(pos+1, n_scores-1, max(X))
        if total_cost < best['cost']:
            best = {
                'cuts': p['cuts'],
                'cost': total_cost
    return best

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