
2024-06-11 21:44:41 发布

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# Initialize Variables
studentName = "no name"
test1 = 0
test2 = 0
test3 = 0
test4 = 0
test5 = 0
totalScore = 0
finalGrade = 0
gradeMessage = None

# Print report title
print("\n Isabelle S - Programming Problem Two")

# Get user input data
studentName = input("Enter name of student ")
test1 = int(input("Enter test score 1: "))
test2 = int(input("Enter test score 2: "))
test3 = int(input("Enter test score 3: "))
test4 = int(input("Enter test score 4: "))
test5 = int(input("Enter test score 5: "))

# Compute values
totalScore = test1 +test2 +test3 + test4 + test5
finalGrade = totalScore / 100 * 100.0
if finalGrade >65:
 gradeMessage = "P"
 gradeMessage = "NP"

# Print detail lines
print("\n Name of student: " , studentName )
print("Total Correct: " , totalScore )
print("Final Grade: " , gradeMessage )

Tags: testinputintscoreprintentertest1test2


numberOfTests = 5
pointsPerTest = 100
finalGrade = totalScore/(numberOfTests*pointsPerTest) * 100

# Formatting like this allows all sorts of neat tricks, but for now
# it just lets us put that '%' sign after the number.
print("Final Grade percentage: {}%".format(finalGrade))

伊莎贝尔,你需要知道每个测试中的最大可能点是什么(test1test2test3test4test5)。假设每个测试中的最大可能点是100,可以稍微更改代码。您可以使用finalGrade = totalScore / 5,而不是finalGrade = totalScore / 100 * 100.0。你知道吗


from __future__ import division

# Initialize Variables
studentName = "no name"
test1 = 0
test2 = 0
test3 = 0
test4 = 0
test5 = 0
totalScore = 0
finalGrade = 0
gradeMessage = None

# Print report title
print("\n Isabelle Shankar - Programming Problem Two")

# Get user input data
studentName = input("Enter name of student ")
test1 = int(input("Enter test score 1: "))
test2 = int(input("Enter test score 2: "))
test3 = int(input("Enter test score 3: "))
test4 = int(input("Enter test score 4: "))
test5 = int(input("Enter test score 5: "))

# Compute values
totalScore = test1 +test2 +test3 + test4 + test5
finalGrade = totalScore / 5
print finalGrade
if finalGrade >65:
 gradeMessage = "P"
 gradeMessage = "NP"

# Print detail lines
print("\n Name of student: " , studentName )
print("Total Correct: " , totalScore )
print("Final Grade: " , gradeMessage ) 

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