
2024-04-26 13:59:15 发布

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好吧,我想我只是想得太多了。代码的其余部分是我想要的(它做我想要它做的),但是我似乎不知道如何计算分钟数。 所以基本上我应该从用户那里得到“英里驱动”和“英里每小时”。然后,我的程序应该确定他们在两条不同的线路上走这段距离需要多长时间,以小时+分钟为单位(就像一条线路上的“小时:”和另一条线路上的“分钟:”一样)。我已经计算出了“小时”,但我不能计算出分钟。我觉得这真的很简单,我只是错过了。你知道吗

print("\nTravel Time Calculator")

miles = float(input("Enter Miles: "))
milesPh = float(input("Enter Miles Per Hour: "))

print("\nEstimated Travel Time")

if miles <= 0:
    print("Miles must be greater than zero. Please try again.")
elif milesPh <= 0:
    print("Miles per hour must be greater than zero. Please try again.")
    # calculate and display travel time
    hours = round(miles / milesPh)
    print("Hours: " + str(hours))
    minutes = round()
    print("Minutes: " + str(minutes))

Tags: inputtimebefloat线路printenter小时

通过潜水miles / milesPh,您可以很容易地获得所花费的总时间。你的问题是你做得太早了。你知道吗

假装miles / milesPh = 5.5。那是五个半小时。如果你马上把它修好,你就失去了最后半个小时。你知道吗



total_minutes = (miles / milesPh) * 60  # total time in minutes
hours = total_minutes // 60             # integer division by 60 (drop the remainder)
minutes = int(total_minutes) % 60       # remainder after integer division by 60


total_time = miles / milesPh              # total time in hours
hours = int(total_time)                   # the integer part of total time is hours
minutes = int((total_time - hours) * 60)  # the decimal part of total time becomes minutes


print("\nTravel Time Calculator")

miles = float(input("Enter Miles: "))
milesPh = float(input("Enter Miles Per Hour: "))

print("\nEstimated Travel Time")

if miles <= 0:
    print("Miles must be greater than zero. Please try again.")
elif milesPh <= 0:
    print("Miles per hour must be greater than zero. Please try again.")
    # calculate and display travel time
    hours = int(miles / milesPh)
    print("Hours: " + str(hours))
    minutes = ((miles / milesPh)*60) % 60
    print("Minutes: " + str(minutes))


Travel Time Calculator
Enter Miles: 20
Enter Miles Per Hour: 12

Estimated Travel Time
Hours: 1
Minutes: 40.0

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