
2024-06-06 13:36:04 发布

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class Reservation:
    def __init__ (self, seatCol, seatRow, department, destination, departure, price):
        self.__seatCol = seatCol
        self.__seatRow = seatRow 
        self.__departement = departement
        self.__destination = destination
        self.__departure = departure
        self.__price = price

    def selectDeparture(departure):
        #Asks the user to pick a departure

    def selectDestination(destination):
        #Asks the user to pick a destination

    def selectSeat(seatCol, seatRow, department): 
        #Asks the user to pick a seat and checks if it's already booked

    def ticketPrice (price):

    def printBookedTicket:

Tags: 文件theto用户self定义defdestination