
2024-04-25 12:32:22 发布

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 def cleanString(newstring):
    newstring = newstring.replace("!", "")
    newstring = newstring.replace("@", "")
    newstring = newstring.replace("#", "")
    newstring = newstring.replace("$", "")
    newstring = newstring.replace("%", "")
    return newstring

    final_list = {'Category': categoryType, 'Notes': array}
    e = str(final_list)
    e1 = ''.join(e)
    c = cleanString(newstring=e1)
    arr_cat += [c]
    for i in range(len(arr_cat)):

当我打印以检查存储10个数据的arr\u cat的范围时,print(range(len(arr\u cat))的输出是:

range(0, 1)
range(0, 1)
range(0, 1)
range(0, 1)
range(0, 1)
range(0, 1)
range(0, 1)
range(0, 1)
range(0, 1)
range(0, 1)


range(0, 1)
range(0, 2)
range(0, 3)
range(0, 4)
range(0, 5)
range(0, 6)
range(0, 7)
range(0, 8)
range(0, 9)
range(0, 10)


1 I really love writing journals
2 The mat is very comfortable and I will buy it again likes
3 The mousepad is smooth
1 I really love writing journals
4 This pen is very special to me.
4 This pencil is very special to me.
5 Meaningful novels
4 It brights up my day like a lighter and makes me higher.
6 School foolscap
7 As soft as my heart.lovey

Tags: forlenisrangereplacelistcatvery