IfElifElse Python(折扣方案)

2024-06-10 23:18:57 发布

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方向如下: 某些在线商店根据购买总额提供折扣:

        If the purchase total is over $50, a 5% discount is applied

        If the purchase total is over $100, a 10% discount is applied

        If the purchase total is over $500,  a 15% discount is applied

使用if elif else链计算应用任何折扣后的采购金额。对于您的演示,使用499.99美元的购买。


if total_cost>=10:    
   if give_shopper_5percent_discount():
     print"You have won a discount"
     total_cost -= discount
   candidate_prime =True

elif total_cost>100:
   if give_shopper_10percent_discount():
     print"You have won a discount"
     total_cost -= discount
   candidate_prime =True

else total_cost>=500:
   if give_shopper_15percent_discount():
     print"You have won a discount"
     total_cost -= discount
   candidate_prime =True

Tags: theifisdiscountpurchaseelseovertotal