
2024-06-16 09:22:04 发布

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def down(event): # A mouse event will be passed in with x and y attributes
global startx, starty # Use global variables for assignment
startx = event.x # Store the mouse down coordinates in the global variables
starty = event.y

def up(event):
    tk_color_string = color(red_intvar, green_intvar, blue_intvar)
    r = (startx-event.x)**2 + (starty-event.y)**2  # Pythagorean theorem
    r = int(r**.5)                                 # square root to get distance
    new_shape = canvas.create_rectangle(startx-r, starty-r, startx+r, starty+r,
                                     fill=tk_color_string, outline='#000000')
    shapes.append(new_shape) # aggregate the canvas' item


Tags: theineventnewstringdefvariablesglobal