
2024-04-26 06:04:35 发布

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Welcome to your results

The result of 50+25=75

The result of 60+25=85

The result of 70+25=95

The result of 80+25=105


# take input from the user
print("Select operation.")
print("1.Display The Content of the result file")
print("2.Add two numbers")
print("3.Subtract two numbers")
print("4.Multiply two numbers")
print("5.Divide two numbers")
print("6.Append results to file")
print("7.Display Total of inputs")
print("8.Display Average of inputs")

choice = input("Select an option(1-9):")

if choice == 1:
    file = open('results.txt', 'r')

    print file.read()

elif choice >= 2 and choice <= 5:

    l_range = int(input("Enter your Lower range: "))
    h_range = int(input("Enter your Higher range: "))
    num1 = int(input("Enter first number: "))
    num2 = int(input("Enter second number: "))

    if num1 < l_range:
        print "The input values are out side the input ranges \n Please check the numbers and try again" 

    elif num2 > h_range:
        print "The input values are out side the input ranges \n Please check the numbers and try again"

        if choice == 2:
            print "The result of", num1,"+", num2,"=", add(num1,num2)
            resultstr = "The result of " +  str(num1)  + "+" +  str(num2) + "=" +  str(add(num1,num2))

        elif choice == 3:
            print "The result of", num1,"-",num2,"=", subtract(num1,num2)
            resultstr = "The result of "  +  str(num1) + "-" + str(num2) + "=" + str(subtract(num1,num2))

        elif choice == 4:
            print "The result of", num1,"*", num2,"=", multiply(num1,num2)
            resultstr = "The result of "  +  str(num1) + "*" + str(num2) + "=" + str(multiply(num1,num2))

        elif choice == 5:
            print "The result of", num1,"/", num2, "=", divide(num1,num2) 
            resultstr = "The result of "  +  str(num1) + "/" + str(num2) + "=" + str(divide(num1,num2))
            if num2 == 0:

                print "The result of", num1,"/", num2, "=", "You can't divide by zero!"

elif choice == 6:
    print("The results have been appended to the file")

    file = open('results.txt', 'a')

    file.write(resultstr + "\n")


elif choice == 7:
    print ("Display total inputs")

elif choice == 8:
    print ("Display average of total inputs")

elif choice == 9:
    print ("Goodbye!")

    print("Invalid input")   

lp_input = raw_input("Do you want to perform another action? Y/N:")

if lp_input == 'n':

Tags: oftheinputrangeresultresultsfileprint
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-26 06:04:35


逐行读取文件。 生成这样的正则表达式模式,以便从字符串中获取数据:

>>> pattern = "The result of (\d+?)[+-/*](\d+?)=(\d+).*"


>>> result = "The result of 25+50=75"


>>> s = re.match(pattern, result)

>>> print s.groups()

('25', '50', '75')


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