
2024-06-16 11:07:51 发布

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  1. 我们有两张图片A, B(两个大的numpy arrays,形状是(x,y,d))
  2. 我们把A乘以一个变量P,然后把结果A'和B相加,得到C = np.add(A*P, B)
  3. 我们在C上做了一个测试

这是我想分成四个线程的循环的基本描述。我正在考虑将numpy数组A, B分成四个数组A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4,,然后分别执行相同的操作。你知道吗




import numpy as np
import Synth, time

width, height = 1644, 1644

colors_filename = "D65_maxVal16_4096_9900_LYVE_D+50.csv"
maxVal = 15

RGB, XYZ, sRGB = Synth.load_RGB_XYZ_RGB2(colors_filename)
SITE = False
tri, indices, simplices = Synth.delaunay(XYZ, SITE)

wave_start, wave_end, steps = 400, 700, 31
CMF = Synth.CMF_1931_2deg(wave_start, wave_end, steps)
Illuminant = Synth.Illuminant_D65(wave_start, wave_end, steps)
Neutral = Synth.Neutral(CMF, Illuminant)

background = Synth.black_bg(CMF, Illuminant, tri, width, height)
layer = np.zeros_like(background)

scales = 3
stars = 1
radius, power = width*5., 2. 

alive = 0

times = 10

for i in xrange(scales):

    stars *= times
    times *= 1.5
    radius /= 10.

    max_z = Synth.half_power_light_spot_dist(radius, power)
    min_z = max_z / 10.
    z_range = max_z-min_z

    print "scale", i, "max / min", max_z, min_z

    # the loop I described starts here
    for j in xrange(int(stars)):

        x, y = np.random.randint(0, width), np.random.randint(0, height)

        linear_progression = float(j)/float(stars)

        z = z_range * (1- linear_progression)

        L = 60

        C = np.random.randint(0,150)
        H = np.random.uniform(0., 360.)

        cieX, cieY, cieZ = Synth.LCH_to_XYZ(L, C, H, Neutral)
        cieXYZ = cieX/cieY, 1., cieZ/cieY

        power_star = np.random.uniform(2, 10)

        star = Synth.Stars_Light(width, height, x, y, z, power_star)

        print "star", j, "on", int(stars),

        precision = 0.01 

        star_copy = star

        star_copy[star < precision] = 0

        star_XYZ = np.multiply(star_copy, cieXYZ)

        # this is the slowest part, what I called the performed "test" between the two pictures A (here "background"), and B (here "star_XYZ"), see below to see what the function "layer_opt_mask" does.  
        P = Synth.layer_opt_mask(background[star_XYZ != 0], layer[star_XYZ != 0], star_XYZ[star_XYZ != 0], tri)

        print "power", P

        print "x, y, z", x, y, z
        print "L, C, H", L, C, H

        if P > 0.:

            non_linear_progression = Synth.L_to_Y(100 * (1-linear_progression))/100. #before it was not (1-linear_progression), but (linear_progression)

            print "LI, NLI", linear_progression, non_linear_progression

            on pourrait ameliorer tout ce systeme la en effacant les donnees sous la limite apres avoir multiplie, ce serait un poil plus long mais ce serait plus logique

            precision = 0.0001

            star[star < precision] = 0

            star = np.multiply(star, cieXYZ)

            layer[star != 0] = np.add(layer[star != 0], P * star[star != 0] * non_linear_progression * 0.5)

            alive += 1

            LEN = len(layer[star != 0])

            print alive, "ALIVE", "mask size:", LEN


            print "DEAD"

B, P = Synth.background_opt(background, layer, tri)

print "power Back, Front", B, P

image = np.add(B*background, P*layer)
image = np.reshape(image, (width*height, 3))

fname = "scales_"+str(scales)+"_alive_"+str(alive)+"_"+str(start_time)+"_"+str(version)+".pbm"

Synth.make_pbm_Maxval(tri, image, RGB, "RGB_"+fname, height, width, maxVal)
Synth.make_pbm(tri, image, sRGB, "sRGB_"+fname, height, width)

print fname

最慢的部分是“layer\u opt\u mask”函数,我认为它是集群的:

def layer_opt_mask(background, layer, light, tri):
    """ this function is maximizing the intensity of a new layer "light" on an existing 
background "background" where there's already a layer "layer". The limits of acceptable 
pixels intensities are defined by a set of colorimetric coordinates that form 
a delaunay-tetrahedralized convex hull "tri", the function tri.find_simplex returns -1 
when out of gamut pixels are present.
The objective is to have all the pixels values of the layer "light" inside the gamut 
with a maximal intensity """

    intensity = 0.
    nex = 100.

    #25 iterations might be a lot, it could be less, true
    it = 25

    while it > 0:

        it -= 1
        intensity += nex

        mult = np.multiply(light, intensity)

        test = np.add(mult, layer)
        test = np.add(background, test)

        sh = test.shape[0] / 3

        test = np.reshape(test, (int(sh), 3))

        # This is the slowest part but it is unfortunately absolutely necessary
        tet = np.min(tri.find_simplex(test))

        if tet == -1 and it > 0:
            intensity -= nex
            nex /= 10.

    if intensity > 0.01:
        return intensity
        return 0

Tags: thetestlayernpwidthtristarlinear