
2024-05-16 21:37:41 发布

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下面是代码,默认情况下应该提供correct输出。要测试标量计算,请注释第98行(qo_next = np.dot(Ado,qo) + np.dot(Bo,np.vstack([hallf, v[:,k]]))),取消注释100到102,运行脚本,然后使用上面显示的相同参数调用函数。你知道吗

与上面突出显示的qo_next = ...矩阵表达式一起取消注释的行:

#            qo_next[0] = Ado[0,0]*qo[0] + Ado[0,1]*qo[1] + Ado[0,2]*qo[2] + Bo[0,0]*hallf
#            qo_next[1] = Ado[1,0]*qo[0] + Ado[1,1]*qo[1] + Ado[1,2]*qo[2] + Bo[1,0]*hallf + Bo[1,1]*v[:,k]
#            qo_next[2] = Ado[2,0]*qo[0] + Ado[2,1]*qo[1] + Ado[2,2]*qo[2] + Bo[2,0]*hallf


import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def torque_sim_ctest(K,Kp,Kd,tau_ampl):
# Example parameter values: torque_sim_ctest(0.006,0,0.01,12)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Motor & System Parameters in continuous time:    
    bm, Jm, K_e, K_t = 1.5e-6, 3.507e-6, 12.5e-3, 12.5e-3
    R, L = 0.476, 0.334e-3
    gr, Jl, bl = 16.348, 10, 20

    Jeq, beq = Jl + Jm*gr**2, bl + bm*gr**2

    A = np.array([ [  0,  1        ],
                   [  0,  -beq/Jeq ]   ])

    Ac = np.array( [[ 0,  1,  0   ],
                    [ 0,  0,  1   ],
                    [ 0,  0,  0   ]])

    B = np.array([ [   0,      0                   ],
                   [   gr/Jeq, gr**2*K_t/(Jeq*R)   ]])

    Bc = np.array([   0,   1,   0   ]).reshape(3,1)

    C = np.array([   1,  0 ])

    Co = np.array([   1,  0,   0   ]).reshape(1,3)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Controller update interval Tc and simulation time step Td
    Tc = 0.01
    Td = 0.1*Tc
# Now discretise the continuous-time system model    
    Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd, dt = sig.cont2discrete((A,B,C,0),Td,method='bilinear')

# Output smoothing: filter parameters
    f_ord = 2
    num, den = sig.cheby1(f_ord,5,2*np.pi*10,'low',analog=True)
    Af, Bf, Cf, Df = sig.tf2ss(num,den)
    Afd, Bfd, Cfd, Dfd, dt = sig.cont2discrete((Af,Bf,Cf,Df),Tc,
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Observer Parameters
    eps = 0.01
    alph = Tc/eps
    a1, a2, a3 = 3, 3, 1
    Ho = np.array([a1, a2, a3]).reshape(3,1)
    Ao = Ac - np.dot(Ho,Co)
    D = np.diag([1, eps, eps**2])
    Do = np.zeros([3,1])
    Ado, Bdo, Cdo, Ddo, dt = sig.cont2discrete((Ao,Ho,np.linalg.inv(D),Do),
    Bo = np.hstack([Bdo.reshape(3,1),    Bc.reshape(3,1)])
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Total simulation steps
    n = 5001

# Define initial conditions prior to running simulation    
    x, q = np.zeros([2,n]), np.zeros([2,1])
    q_next = np.zeros([2,1])
    y, v = 0, np.zeros([1,n])
    tau_ext = np.zeros([1,n])
    hallc = 0
    qf, qf_next, hallf = np.zeros([f_ord,1]), np.zeros([f_ord,1]), 0
    qo, qo_next, xhat = np.zeros([3,1]), np.zeros([3,1]), np.zeros([3,1])

# The for loop below simulates the closed-loop system in discrete time steps Td
    print('Simulation running; please wait ...')
    for k in range(n-1):
#       External torque input with peaks at 0.5 s and 1.6 s
        tau_ext[:,k] =  tau_ampl*(0.5*np.exp(-10*(k*Td-0.5)**2) \
                        + np.exp(-5*(k*Td-1.6)**2))

#       y is the output angle in SI units (radians)
        y = gr*np.dot(C,x[:,k])
#       Conversion of rotor angle to ideal hall-count
        hallc = int(150/np.pi*y+0.5*np.sign(y))

#        Now apply a smoothing filter
#        qf_next = Afd @ qf + Bfd @ np.matrix([hallc[:,k]/gr])
#        hallf = Cf @ (qf + qf_next)

        qf_next[0] = 0.661939208333454*qf[0] - 19.836230603818*qf[1] + 0.00830969604166727*hallc/gr
        qf_next[1] = 0.00830969604166727*qf[0] + 0.90081884698091*qf[1] + 4.15484802083364e-5*hallc/gr

#        Filtered hall-count
        hallf = 1342.37547903*(qf[1] + qf_next[1])

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# State Observer & Control Law
#       Update the controller states only every Tc = 10*Td time step
        if np.mod(k,int(Tc/Td+0.5)) == 0:
            qo_next = np.dot(Ado,qo) + np.dot(Bo,np.vstack([hallf, v[:,k]]))

#            qo_next[0] = Ado[0,0]*qo[0] + Ado[0,1]*qo[1] + Ado[0,2]*qo[2] + Bo[0,0]*hallf
#            qo_next[1] = Ado[1,0]*qo[0] + Ado[1,1]*qo[1] + Ado[1,2]*qo[2] + Bo[1,0]*hallf + Bo[1,1]*v[:,k]
#            qo_next[2] = Ado[2,0]*qo[0] + Ado[2,1]*qo[1] + Ado[2,2]*qo[2] + Bo[2,0]*hallf

#            qo_next[0] = 1.40740740740741*hallf - 0.407407407407407*qo[0] + 0.296296296296296*qo[1] + 0.148148148148148*qo[2]
#            qo_next[1] = 1.03703703703704*hallf - 1.03703703703704*qo[0] + 0.481481481481481*qo[1] + 0.740740740740741*qo[2] + v[:,k]
#            qo_next[2] = 0.296296296296296*hallf - 0.296296296296296*qo[0] - 0.148148148148148*qo[1] + 0.925925925925926*qo[2]

            xhat[0] = 0.703703703703704*hallf + 0.296296296296296*qo[0] + 0.148148148148148*qo[1] + 0.0740740740740741*qo[2]
            xhat[1] = 51.8518518518519*hallf - 51.8518518518518*qo[0] + 74.0740740740741*qo[1] + 37.037037037037*qo[2]
            xhat[2] = 1481.48148148148*hallf - 1481.48148148148*qo[0] - 740.740740740741*qo[1] + 9629.62962962963*qo[2]

#            xhat = Cdo @ qo + Ddo @ np.matrix(hallf)

#       Update the control voltage v[:,k]
            v[:,k] = K*xhat[2] + Kp*hallf + Kd*xhat[1]
            if v[:,k] < 0:
                v[:,k] = 0
            elif v[:,k] >= 12:
                v[:,k] = 12

#       Wait and hold; don't update in this cycle
            qo_next = qo
            v[:,k] = v[:,k-1]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Now calculate the system dynamics in discrete time steps Td
        q_next = np.dot(Ad,q) + np.dot(Bd,np.vstack([tau_ext[:,k], v[:,k]]))
        x[:,k+1:k+2] = q + q_next

        q = q_next

        qf[0] = qf_next[0]
        qf[1] = qf_next[1]

        qo[0] = qo_next[0]
        qo[1] = qo_next[1]
        qo[2] = qo_next[2]

# ** End For Loop **

# Plot the simulation output
# NOTE: System velocity signal is x[1,:], and position is y = x[0,:]
    tau_spr = gr*K_t/R*v[0,0:n-1]
    tau_net = tau_spr + tau_ext[0,0:n-1]
    t = np.linspace(0.0,(n-1)*Td,num=n-1)

    fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(2,2)
    ax1[0,0].set_xlabel('Time (s)')
    ax1[0,0].set_ylabel('Torque (N m)')
    ax1[0,0].set_title('Torque Comparison')

    ax1[0,1].set_xlabel('Time (s)')
    ax1[0,1].set_ylabel('Torque (Normalised)')
    ax1[0,1].set_title('Torque Comparison')

    ax1[1,0].set_xlabel('Time (s)')
    ax1[1,0].set_ylabel('Drive Voltage (V)')
    ax1[1,0].set_title('Motor Voltage')

    ax1[1,1].set_xlabel('Time (s)')
    ax1[1,1].set_ylabel('Motor Speed (rpm)')
    ax1[1,1].set_title('Motor Speed vs Time')

Tags: npzerosarraydotnexttdboado
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-16 21:37:41


当我使用向量计算:qo_next = np.dot(Ado,qo) + np.dot(Bo,np.vstack([hallf, v[:,k]]))时,我的零阶控制的实现进一步向下:qo_next = qo看起来像人们期望的那样工作。你知道吗


qo_next[0] = qo[0]
qo_next[1] = qo[1]
qo_next[2] = qo[2]



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