
2024-06-01 03:00:08 发布

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document DOCID="501.conll.txt">
<span type="sentence">
    <charseq START="0" END="30">ATRIA SEES H2 RESULT UP ON H1 .</charseq>
</span><span type="sentence">
    <charseq START="205" END="310">" The result of the second year-half is expected to improve on     the early part of the year , " Atria said .</charseq>


>>> import re, os, sys
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
>>> sentences = {}

>>> xmlAddresses = getListOfFilesInFolders(['XMLFiles'],ending=u'.xml') # my function to grab all XML files

>>> for docAddr in xmlAddresses:
>>>    parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding=u'utf-8') 
>>>    tree = etree.parse(docAddr, parser=parser) 
>>>    sentences = getTokenTextFeature(docAddr,tree,sentences) 

>>> rgxLeadingSpace = re.compile('^\"? .')
>>> for sent in sentences.keys():
>>>    text = sentences[sent]['sentence']
>>>    if rgxLeadingSpace.findall(text):    
>>>        print text                        # the second sentence is from the above XML doc

" It rallied on ideas the market was oversold , " a trader said . 

" The result of the second year-half is expected to improve on the early part of the year , " Atria said .

" The head of state 's holiday has only just begun , " the agency quoted Sergei Yastrzhembsky as saying , adding that the president was currently in a Kremlin residence near Moscow . 


<charseq START="205" END="310">" The result of the second year-half is expected to improve on     the early part of the year , " Atria said .</charseq>


<charseq START="207" END="310">The result of the second year-half is expected to improve on     the early part of the year , " Atria said .</charseq>

我想我提供了所有必要的代码。 如果有人能帮我,我会创建一个100万StackOverflow帐户,并向上投你100万次!:) 谢谢!你知道吗

Tags: ofthetoisonsentencesxmlyear



xml='''<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document DOCID="501.conll.txt">
<span type="sentence">
    <charseq START="0" END="30">ATRIA SEES H2 RESULT UP ON H1 .</charseq>
</span><span type="sentence">
    <charseq START="205" END="310">" The result of the second year-half is expected to improve on     the early part of the year , " Atria said .</charseq>

import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

root = etree.XML(xml)
for charseq in root.findall(".//span[@type='sentence']/extent/charseq[@START]"):
  match = re.match('^("? +)(.*)', charseq.text)
  if match:
    space,text = match.groups()
    charseq.set('START', str(int(charseq.get('START')) + len(space)))
    charseq.text = text
print etree.tostring(root)

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