python 2.7中的简单TicTacToe

2024-04-19 03:51:24 发布

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PLAYERS = ["X", "O"]

def display_board(board):
        print board[0][0:3]
        print board[1][0:3]
        print board[2][0:3]

def create_empty_board():
        return [[None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None]]

def board_is_full(board):
        for row in board:
                if None not in board:
                        return True

def winner(board):
        if board[0][0] == board[0][1] == board[0][2] != None:
                return board[0][0]
        elif board[1][0] == board[1][1] == board[1][2] != None:
                return board[1][0]
        elif board[2][0] == board[2][1] == board[2][2] != None:
                return board[2][0]
        elif board[0][0] == board[1][0] == board[2][0] != None:
                return board[0][0]
        elif board[0][1] == board[1][1] == board[2][1] != None:
                return board[0][1]
        elif board[0][2] == board[1][2] == board[2][2] != None:
                return board[0][2]
        elif board[0][0] == board[1][1] == board[2][2] != None:
                return board[0][0]
                return None

def game_over(board):
        if board_is_full(board) == True:
                return True
def player_turn(board, playerid):
    """ Ask the player to select a coordinates for their next move. The player needs to select a row and a column. If the coordinates the player selects are outside of the board, or are already occupied, they need to be prompted to select coordinates again, until their input is valid."""
    return 1, 1 # by default, return row 1, column 1 as the player's desired location on the board; you need to implement this

def play():
    """ This is the main function that implements a hot seat version of Tic Tac Toe."""
    # the code below is just an example of how you could structure your play() function
    # if you implement all the functions above correctly, this function will work
    # however, feel free to change it if you want to organize your code differently
    board = create_empty_board()
    current_player = 0
    while not game_over(board):
        board = player_turn(board, PLAYERS[current_player])
        current_player = (current_player + 1) % len(PLAYERS)
    who_won = winner(board)
    if who_won is None:
        print "The game was a tie."
        print "The winning player is", who_won

if __name__ == "__main__":

Tags: thetoboardnoneyoureturnifis
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-19 03:51:24

你的第一个问题是你的board_is_full是错误的。对于每一行,不是检查而是检查None not in board。这总是正确的;board是三个列表的列表,因此None永远不会在其中。你要检查每一行,而不是整个董事会。但是只要if None not in row是不对的,只要任何行都满了,而不是所有行都满了,就不会是这样。因此,当您找到一个非整行时,您希望返回False;如果您到达结尾时没有找到任何行,则返回True。你应该自己能做到。

下一个问题是您还没有实现player_turn。对于真正的黑客实现,您只需使用return input('row, col: ')。除非你能理解它为什么起作用,否则你不应该把它作为你的家庭作业(如果你真的理解它为什么起作用,你就不会想用它了)。而且,它不是很友好的用户-它不告诉你轮到谁了,或给你看板,或任何东西。你把这些东西作为参数,这样你就可以使用它们。不管怎么说,这一行已经足够好了,现在可以让你进入下一个问题,所以你可以稍后再来。


row, col = player_turn(board, PLAYERS[current_player])
board[row][col] = PLAYERS[current_player]



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