有 Java 编程相关的问题?


java如何heapify Maxheap?

我试图用两个方法insertextract_max实现一个Max堆。 但是extract_max当前工作不正常,因为它没有提取堆中的最大整数,我认为这是因为heapify。我已经试着调试了几个小时,但不知道哪里出了问题。如有任何意见,将不胜感激

class Heap {
    int heap_array[];
    int n_elems = 0;
    int capacity;

    // Constructor
    Heap(int _capacity) {
        capacity = _capacity;
        heap_array = new int[capacity];

     * Private method for maintaining the heap.
     * @param i, index of the element to heapify from
    private void heapify(int i) {
        int left = 2*i + 1;
        int right = 2*i+ 2;
        int largest = i;
        //if left ≤ heap_length[A] and A[left] > A[largest] then:
        if (left <= n_elems && heap_array[left] > heap_array[largest]) {
            largest = left;
            //System.out.println("largest = left");

        //if right ≤ heap_length[A] and A[right] > A[largest] then:
        if (right <= n_elems && heap_array[right] > heap_array[largest]) {
            //System.out.println("largest = right");
            largest = right; 
        //if largest ≠ i then:
        if (largest != i) { 
            int swap = heap_array[i]; 
            heap_array[i] = heap_array[largest]; 
            heap_array[largest] = swap; 

            // Recursively heapify the affected sub-tree 

     * Add an element to the heap and ensure the heap property
     * Throws an exception if trying to add elements to a full heap.
     * @param x Element to add
    public void insert(int x) throws Exception {
        if(is_full()) {
            throw new Exception("The heap is full");
        } else {
            // Insert the element at end of Heap 
            heap_array[n_elems++] = x; 
            // Heapify from root



   public int extract_max() throws Exception {
    //Get the largest
       // Get the last element 
    int root = heap_array[0];

       int lastElement = heap_array[n_elems]; 

       // Replace root with first element 
       heap_array[0] = lastElement; 

       // Decrease size of heap by 1 

       // heapify the root node 

       // return new size of Heap 
       return root;


    public int capacity() {
        return capacity;

    public int size() {
        return n_elems;

    public boolean is_empty() {
        return n_elems == 0;

    public boolean is_full() {
        return n_elems == capacity;

    public void print() {
        for(int i = 0; i < n_elems; i++) {

     * Remove and return largest element, and maintain the heap property.
     * Throws an exception if trying to extract an element from an empty heap.

     * For convenience, a small program to test the code.
     * There are better ways of doing this kind of testing!
     * @throws Exception 
    static public void main(String args[]) throws Exception { // A simple test program
        // Declare two heaps. Both should work nicely!
        Heap h1 = new Heap(100);
        Heap h2 = new Heap(10);
        int data[] = {1, 4, 10, 14, 7, 9, 3, 8, 16};

        // Insert 1 element to heap 1, and several to heap 2.

        System.out.println("Size " + h2.size());

        System.out.println("Max " + h2.extract_max());

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案



    1. 将新项添加到堆的末尾
    2. 将项目向上移动到堆的正确位置


    public void insert(int x) throws Exception {
        if(is_full()) {
            throw new Exception("The heap is full");
        // Insert the element at end of Heap 
        heap_array[n_elems++] = x; 
        // now sift it up
        int current = nelems-1;
        int parent = (current-1)/2;
        while (current > 0 && heap_array[current] > heap_array[parent]) {
            int swap = heap_array[parent];
            heap_array[parent] = heap_array[current];
            heap_array[current] = swap;
            current = parent;
            parent = (current-1)/2;


    int lastElement = heap_array[n_elems];


    int lastElement = heap_array[n_elems-1];

    这是有意义的,因为如果n_elems == 1,那么堆中唯一的项将是根,在heap_array[0]