有 Java 编程相关的问题?





  • 员工id int主键
  • 员工姓名varchar(20)


  • 员工id外键引用的员工id 员工详细信息表
  • 出席人数(日期)
  • 存在或不存在varchar(6)


class Attendance
 java.util.Date utilDate;
 java.sql.Date sqlDate;

 String attDate;
 int empid;
 String pa;
 Connection con=null;
 PreparedStatement statement=null;
 ResultSet rs=null;

 private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    sqlDate=new java.sql.Date(utilDate.getTime());

    catch(Exception e)

   String query = "Insert into employee_attendance (employee_id,attendance_for,present_or_absent) values (?,?,?)";

           //sqlDate=new java.sql.Date(utilDate.getTime());
           statement.setString(3, pa);

        catch(Exception e)


"Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails"

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案





    this.insertAttendance ( conn , 2 …
    this.insertAttendance ( conn , 1 …
    this.insertAttendance ( conn , 3 …

    当我们尝试一个无效的数字时,我们没有这样的employee_,比如4,那么我们失败了。我们得到一个SQLException,它注意到对foreign keyconstraint的违反。数据库正在执行referential integrity的工作。如果我们没有被阻止,我们将创建一个“孤立”行,一个没有匹配的employee_行的attendance_

    this.insertAttendance ( conn , 4 …  // Throws SQLException for violation of the foreign key constraint.

    本例使用纯Java数据库H2 Database。必须添加为依赖项才能运行此代码。易于通过Maven等添加


    Tables established and populated.
    Table dump: employee_
    Employee id_: 1 | name_: Alfred
    Employee id_: 2 | name_: Barbara
    Employee id_: 3 | name_: Charlie
    Table dump: attendance_
    Attendance id_: 1 | fkey_employee_id_: 2 | when_expected_: 2016-01-23T10:00:00Z | status_:  present
    Attendance id_: 2 | fkey_employee_id_: 1 | when_expected_: 2016-01-23T10:00:00Z | status_:  present
    Attendance id_: 3 | fkey_employee_id_: 3 | when_expected_: 2016-01-23T10:00:00Z | status_:  absent
    SQLException: Referential integrity constraint violation: "CONSTRAINT_32: PUBLIC.ATTENDANCE_ FOREIGN KEY(FKEY_EMPLOYEE_ID_) REFERENCES PUBLIC.EMPLOYEE_(ID_) (4)"; SQL statement:
    INSERT INTO attendance_ ( fkey_employee_id_ , when_expected_ , status_ ) VALUES ( ? , ? , ? ); [23506-191]


    package com.example.h2example;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.time.Instant;
     * Demonstrates how to both properly and improperly insert rows into a child
     * table.
     * Caveat: Not production-worthy code. For demonstration purposes only. Use at
     * your own risk.
     * @author Basil Bourque
    public class App {
        public static void main ( String[] args ) {
            App app = new App ();
            app.demo ();
        private void demo () {
            Connection conn = this.fetchConnection ();
            this.insertAttendance ( conn , 2 , Instant.parse ( "2016-01-23T10:00:00Z" ) , "present" );
            this.insertAttendance ( conn , 1 , Instant.parse ( "2016-01-23T10:00:00Z" ) , "present" );
            this.insertAttendance ( conn , 3 , Instant.parse ( "2016-01-23T10:00:00Z" ) , "absent" );
            this.dumpTable_Employee ( conn );
            this.dumpTable_Attendance ( conn );
            // Insert invalid value (BAD).
            this.insertAttendance ( conn , 4 , Instant.parse ( "2016-01-23T10:00:00Z" ) , "absent" );
        private Connection fetchConnection () {
            Connection conn = null;
            try {
                Class.forName ( "org.h2.Driver" );
            } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                // TODO: Handle exception.
                System.out.println ( "Database failure: " + e );
                return null;
            // Specify a database named 'EmployeeAttendanceBogus.mv.db' in the Unix user’s home folder.
            String dbFolderPath = "~/";
            String dbName = "EmployeeAttendanceBogus";
            String dbUrl = "jdbc:h2:" + dbFolderPath + dbName;
            String dbUserName = "h2";
            String dbPassword = "pw";
            try {
                // If database does not yet exist, it is automatically created.
                conn = DriverManager.getConnection ( dbUrl , dbUserName , dbPassword );
            } catch ( SQLException ex ) {
                System.out.println ( "SQLException on DriverManager.getConnection: " + ex.getMessage () );
                // TODO: Handle exception when no Connection is made.
            if ( null == conn ) {
                System.out.println ( "Database error. No Connection." );
                // TODO: Handle exception when no Connection is made.
            } else {
                // ELSE got database connection. Normal.
                this.recreateTables ( conn );
    //            this.dumpTable_Employee ( conn );
    //            this.dumpTable_Attendance ( conn );
            return conn;
        private void recreateTables ( Connection conn ) {
            // Update database structure if needed.
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder ();
            // Delete any existing tables.
            sql.append ( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS attendance_ ; " + " \n" );   // Drop child table first, because of referential integrity.
            sql.append ( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS employee_ ; " + " \n" );
            // Define tables.
            sql.append ( "CREATE TABLE employee_ " + " \n" );
            sql.append ( "(" + " \n" );
            sql.append ( "id_ IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY , " + " \n" );  // Primary key, Long type.
            sql.append ( "name_ VARCHAR_IGNORECASE NOT NULL " + " \n" );
            sql.append ( ")" + " \n" );
            sql.append ( ";" + " \n" );
            sql.append ( "" );
            sql.append ( "CREATE TABLE attendance_ " + " \n" );
            sql.append ( "(" + " \n" );
            sql.append ( "id_ IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY , " + " \n" );  // Primary key, Long type.
            sql.append ( "fkey_employee_id_ BIGINT , " + " \n" );
            sql.append ( "when_expected_ TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , " + " \n" );
            sql.append ( "status_ VARCHAR_IGNORECASE NOT NULL " + " \n" );  // Domain: "present" | "absent" .
            sql.append ( ")" + " \n" );
            sql.append ( ";" + " \n" );
            sql.append ( "" );
            sql.append ( "ALTER TABLE attendance_ ADD FOREIGN KEY ( fkey_employee_id_ ) REFERENCES employee_( id_ ) ;" );
            sql.append ( "" );
            sql.append ( "INSERT INTO employee_ ( name_ ) VALUES ( 'Alfred' ) ;" );
            sql.append ( "INSERT INTO employee_ ( name_ ) VALUES ( 'Barbara' ) ;" );
            sql.append ( "INSERT INTO employee_ ( name_ ) VALUES ( 'Charlie' ) ;" );
            System.out.println ( "Tables established and populated.\n" );
            try ( Statement stmt = conn.createStatement () ) {
                stmt.executeUpdate ( sql.toString () );
            } catch ( SQLException ex ) {
                System.err.println ( "SQLException: " + ex.getMessage () );
                // TODO: Handle exception.
        private void dumpTable_Employee ( Connection conn ) {
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder ();
            sql.append ( "SELECT * FROM employee_ ;" );
            try ( PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement ( sql.toString () ) ) {
                try ( ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery (); ) {
                    System.out.println ( "Table dump: employee_" );
                    while ( rs.next () ) {
                        long id = rs.getLong ( "id_" );
                        String name = rs.getString ( "name_" );
                        System.out.println ( "Employee id_: " + id + " | name_: " + name );
                    System.out.println ( "" );
            } catch ( SQLException ex ) {
                System.err.println ( "SQLException: " + ex.getMessage () );
                // TODO: Handle exception.
        private void dumpTable_Attendance ( Connection conn ) {
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder ();
            sql.append ( "SELECT * FROM attendance_ ;" );
            try ( PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement ( sql.toString () ) ) {
                try ( ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery (); ) {
                    System.out.println ( "Table dump: attendance_" );
                    while ( rs.next () ) {
                        long id = rs.getLong ( "id_" );
                        long fkey = rs.getLong ( "fkey_employee_id_" );
                        java.sql.Timestamp whenExpectedTs = rs.getTimestamp ( "when_expected_" );
                        Instant whenExpected = whenExpectedTs.toInstant ();  // Convert as soon as possible from java.sql.Timestamp to java.time.
                        String status = rs.getString ( "status_" );
                        System.out.println ( "Attendance id_: " + id + " | fkey_employee_id_: " + fkey + " | when_expected_: " + whenExpected + " | status_:  " + status );
                    System.out.println ( "" );
            } catch ( SQLException ex ) {
                System.err.println ( "SQLException: " + ex.getMessage () );
                // TODO: Handle exception.
        private void insertAttendance ( Connection conn , long employeeId , Instant whenExpected , String status ) {
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder ();
            sql.append ( "INSERT INTO attendance_ ( fkey_employee_id_ , when_expected_ , status_ ) VALUES ( ? , ? , ? );" );
            try ( PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement ( sql.toString () ) ) {
                pstmt.setLong ( 1 , employeeId );
                pstmt.setTimestamp ( 2 , java.sql.Timestamp.from ( whenExpected ) );
                pstmt.setString ( 3 , status );
                int rowsAffected = pstmt.executeUpdate ();
            } catch ( SQLException ex ) {
                System.err.println ( "SQLException: " + ex.getMessage () );
                // TODO: Handle exception.



