有 Java 编程相关的问题?





public class RowMajor {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Given runner lap data
        double[][] times = {{64.791, 75.972, 68.950, 79.039, 73.006, 74.157}, {67.768, 69.334, 70.450, 67.667, 75.686, 76.298}, {72.653, 77.649, 74.245, 62.121, 63.379, 79.354}};
        // Replace the incorrect for loop headers, use the iterators 'outer' and 'inner' for the outer and inner loops
        double runnerTime = 0.0;
        for(int outer = 0; outer < times.length; outer++) {
            runnerTime = 0.0;
            for(int inner = 0; inner < times[outer].length; inner++) {
                System.out.println("Runner index: " + outer + ", Time index: " + inner);
                // Enter the missing line of code to sum up the values in each row. Use the variable runnerTime
                runnerTime += times[outer][inner];

            // I need help with this question below.
            // Enter the missing line of code to find the average time of each runner. Use the variable averageVal
            double averageVal = 0;
            // Below is what I tried but it keep showing an error "The correct average time for runner 0 was not printed to the console."
            double averageTime = runnerTime / times[outer].length;

            System.out.println("Sum of runner " + outer + " times: " + runnerTime + averageTime);
            System.out.println("Average of runner " + outer + ": " + averageVal + averageTime);

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    double averageTime = runnerTime / times[outer].length;


    System.out.println("Average of runner " + outer + ": " + averageVal + averageTime);



        int one = 1;
        int three = 3;
        System.out.println("" + one + three);


    原因是,当您在字符串中同时打印一个原语时,原语将是auto boxed到整数,语句将变成"".toString() + one.toString() + three.toString()。因为toString()返回字符串,所以运算符+将直接链接它们


    public class RowMajor {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // Given runner lap data
            double[][] times = { { 64.791, 75.972, 68.950, 79.039, 73.006, 74.157 },
                    { 67.768, 69.334, 70.450, 67.667, 75.686, 76.298 },
                    { 72.653, 77.649, 74.245, 62.121, 63.379, 79.354 } };
            // Replace the incorrect for loop headers, use the iterators 'outer' and 'inner'
            // for the outer and inner loops
            double runnerTime = 0.0;
            for (int outer = 0; outer < times.length; outer++) {
                runnerTime = 0.0;
                for (int inner = 0; inner < times[outer].length; inner++) {
                    System.out.println("Runner index: " + outer + ", Time index: " + inner);
                    // Enter the missing line of code to sum up the values in each row. Use the
                    // variable runnerTime
                    runnerTime += times[outer][inner];
                // I need help with this question below.
                // Enter the missing line of code to find the average time of each runner. Use
                // the variable averageVal
                double averageVal = runnerTime / times[outer].length;
                System.out.println("Sum of runner " + outer + " times: " + runnerTime);
                System.out.println("Average of runner " + outer + ": " + averageVal);


    Runner index: 0, Time index: 0
    Runner index: 0, Time index: 1
    Runner index: 0, Time index: 2
    Runner index: 0, Time index: 3
    Runner index: 0, Time index: 4
    Runner index: 0, Time index: 5
    Sum of runner 0 times: 435.9149999999999
    Average of runner 0: 72.65249999999999
    Runner index: 1, Time index: 0
    Runner index: 1, Time index: 1
    Runner index: 1, Time index: 2
    Runner index: 1, Time index: 3
    Runner index: 1, Time index: 4
    Runner index: 1, Time index: 5
    Sum of runner 1 times: 427.2030000000001
    Average of runner 1: 71.20050000000002
    Runner index: 2, Time index: 0
    Runner index: 2, Time index: 1
    Runner index: 2, Time index: 2
    Runner index: 2, Time index: 3
    Runner index: 2, Time index: 4
    Runner index: 2, Time index: 5
    Sum of runner 2 times: 429.401
    Average of runner 2: 71.56683333333334